Monday, April 16, 2012

Top 5 Tips to Protect Your Reputation

Personal and professional reputation management is important for any business or individual. Whether your business already has an excellent reputation, or you are attempting to revamp your public image, reputation management should be something considered by every businessperson. Having a strong professional reputation is a valuable assent which requires constant nurturing. You may be asking, where do I start? At All Delivered, we have compiled a list of top 5 tips to help get you started...

Tip 1) Google Yourself: Although simple, Googling yourself at random can actually help with reputation management. If someone has posted slanderous comments about you or your company Google can help you find out sooner rather than later. Once you know that something is out there, you are able to begin damage control.

Tip 2) Set up Notifications 
Some complaints boards actually allow businesses to be notified about when there is a review, comment, or complaint on your company. This is another excellent tool which can help you learn about reviews faster than periodically checking locations.

Tip 3) Use Passwords and Security Locks for Important information 
If you have a company blog, or administrative access to a website, it may be helpful to have all comments pre-screened before they are posted. Doing this allows you to remove any slanderous, false comments before they are posted for the world to see.

Tip 4) Backup Everything
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When someone is making accusations, you need to be able to back up your claims. It is difficult for you to convince people something is true without solid evidence. Be sure to keep a copy of all correspondence between your customers as it may be useful in the future.

Tip 5) Reach Out to Unhappy Customers
If someone is unhappy with the product or service you are providing, ask what they do not like. Occasionally you may come across customers who cannot be pleased, but constructive criticism can actually make you a better business person, and ultimately help your business grow and develop.

We hope that these tips help you with reputation management, and ultimately assist with business growth. If you are wanting to try out alternate ways to help your business grow? Why not try a door-to-door marketing campaign with All Delivered? Direct, door-to-door marketing has been around longer than the Internet, television, and even the radio. If you would like more information about how we can assist you, call us today for a free, competitive quote! 1-877-992-5533 or submit a quote request online.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Door-to-Door Marketing Actually Works!

For years millions of businesses have learned about the benefits of direct door-to-door distribution. It's no secret, door-to-door actually works. Flyers, door hangers, postcards, and other print materials have been delivered even longer than television has been around. If you are considering a door-to-door distribution campaign, there are a few things to consider: 

1) Say What You Want to Say: One of the first things you need to figure out is what you want to say. Whether you want to announce a new location, contest or giveaway, or new menu design. Once you have figure this out, design your flyers or door hangers to reflect what you want to say to the general public.

2) Target Specific Demographics:
With any type of marketing, demographics should be considered. If there is a specific group of people you would like to reach, design your delivery campaign to target that group, for example: If your business is a family restaurant, market to areas which would contain dwellings with children.

3) Check Out The Competition: Sometimes it can be helpful to research how similar businesses have been marketing their establishment. By checking out your competition you may pick up a few tips about the design of your materials. If your competition is offering a special, a great idea would be to match or beat it. You may also notice that they were successful though targeting a specific demographic.
4) Sample Different Markets: It doesn’t hurt to try out different areas, material types, or even designs. There are countless options when it comes to direct marketing. You have countless options when it comes to the size, style and design of your advertising materials. There are also multiple delivery methods, including radius, zip code, multiple area, and address specific deliveries. Needless to say, there are quite a few options for you to consider, but don't be afraid to try a few out to see what works for you.

So what are you waiting for? Call All Delivered for a free, competitive quote today! 

Phone: 1-877-992-5533

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Loyalty in Business - It Starts at Home

Loyalty has always been an important element to any business, but what is it? In simple terms, loyalty is a feeling or attitude of devoted attachment to you and your business. Without the loyalty of your employees, customers, and shareholders, it may be difficult to even break even, let alone gain profits. Through strategic management, company resources can be made use of in a way which can increase the loyalty of customers, employees, and even shareholders. 

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Virtuous Circle - Wikipedia
Although developing loyalty may seem like a complicated, daunting task. It is actually a simpler concept than you would think. Through providing excellent customer service, along with training and encouraging employees, your business creates a "cycle of success". 

It all starts at "home". In order to generate sales and increase your profit margin, you must have a strong foundation - happy / loyal employees. When employees and trained and empowered they are likely to be satisfied with their jobs, and competent with their assigned tasks. It is also important to reward the right results. If you have an employee who stands out, consider giving them a raise or another type of compensation (perhaps paid leave). If employees see that excellence is rewarded, they will strive to do their best. Employee satisfaction and competence contributes to superior customer service, which in turn leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Happy customers and employees mean higher sales and profit margins, and satisfied shareholders.

If you would like to improve loyalty in your business, there are a few things to remember:
Simplicity is key: A complex plan to gain employee, customer, and shareholder loyalty is not the solution. Complexity decreases the speed and responsiveness of gaining loyalty in business.  

Reward the right results: If employees see that they are rewarded to excellent performance, they are more likely to strive to excellence. In contrast, if you reward customer loyalty, people are more likely to regularly do business with you. A simple idea would be creating a customer loyalty program (providing a discount on goods and services, etc.)

Practice what you preach: If you would like someone to be loyal, it is crucial that you do the same. You yourself should do the things which you advise people to do. Be loyal to your employees, customers, and shareholders, and more likely than not, they will do the same. 

Listen and communicate: Two-way communication and learning is important for any long-term relationship, whether it be business or personal. If you don't listen to concerns or suggestions of the very people you would like to build a loyal business relationship with, it is likely they will not trust you and will not be loyal to your company. Don't lie either - talk straight. Without trust, it is impossible to foster loyalty.

Remember, loyalty is a win / win situation - you will be happy, as will your employees, shareholders, and customers. If you are looking to gain a larger customer base, be sure to employ a marketing campaign. If you are unfamiliar with marketing and would like assistance, feel free to contact us. At All Delivered we offer door-to-door distribution services for door hangers, flyers, postcards, samples, and specialty items. Additionally, we also offer social media marketing services, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, website creation, maintenance, and redesign, along with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services. Feel free to contact us with any questions, or if you would like a free, competitive quote.

Phone: 1-877-992-5533

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Top 5 Tips for Password Protection

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In today's global economy more and more people are operating their business using some kind of online software, application, or database. This makes it crucial for companies to their personal information and finances safe. There are various ways through which you can keep your information safe, and at All Delivered, we have compiled a list which will assist you in doing so.

Tip one: Pick random passwords

Avoid popular passwords such as "12345" or "abcd". Try to come up with something original, for example: "@neNight3#". Random passwords are more difficult for hackers to guess. Since it is written in this blog, I would suggest that you do not use the password.

Tip two: The Rule of four: upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols
You might have noticed that in tip one I used an interesting password. It is important that you make your passwords difficult to guess on a whim. I would venture to say that almost no one would be able to guess that password.

Tip three: BE QUIET! 
Your mission if you choose to accept it is to tell no one at all what your password is. It is pointless to have a strong password if you  go around telling everyone what it is. Be wary of emails or websites which ask you to give up your personal information, including password. Legitimate websites and emails do not ask for such information, so if you receive something which asks for specific personal information be incredibly cautious. If you believe it may be legitimate, pick up the phone and call the person or company. Better safe than sorry.

Tip four: Switch it up
Occasionally change all of your passwords and security questions. To be on the safe side, change everything every three to six months. Keeping the same password for years gives potential hackers a lot of time to break into your personal or business accounts. 

Tip five: Do not leave a trail!
 If you have pictures of your children or pets posted on a social media website or on your desk, that is a useful tip for people attempting to gain access to your accounts without your knowledge. This is not only applicable to your actual password, but also for security questions. A security question based on a child or pets name is relatively easy to guess. A common  question is "What is your mother's maiden name?" Don't just assume that questions is safe unless you know for sure that absolutely no one knows the answer.

For those with a less than perfect memory it is difficult to remember various passwords. You are able to give yourself a "cheat sheet", but don't forget to be safe! A picture is worth a thousand words, but don't make it obvious if you have something which helps you remember your passwords. To keep track of password protected accounts you could write a cheat sheet on a stick-note and keep it safe. If you do this, make sure you omit or scramble some of the information. Another way to keep your passwords safe, while helping yourself remember is by having a "password manager". There are various online sites which keep your password information safe. You are also able to write everything down on a password protected document.

The team at All Delivered hopes that these tips are useful to you and your company. If you are interested in a flyer and door hanger distribution campaign feel free to contact us!

Phone: 1-877-992-5533